Ask the Reader and Updates!
I hope everybody is getting ready for holiday time with their friends and family. This can be a crazy time of year!! I hope you are doing your best to stay SANE. As we come close to closing of 2014, I wanted to reach out and ask my visitors what they are needing in 2015… what are your plans for the next year?
Internet business has changed somewhat over the past year, but some of the same are out there to make money if you just take the appropriate action and get to DOING!
In this post from 2013 21 ways to make money online all of these still apply and a few more have been added after that post was made.
Podcasting is a new trend, and many onliners are taking it to this avenue to extend their reach. Patt Flynn over at Smart Passive Income has created a basic Podcast Tutorial that goes into detail about how to start one. If you don’t mind your voice and have things to say, this can be a great way to launch your online business and reach more audiences given that there are way less Podcasts to compete with than websites.
Amazon Kindle Publishing still seems to be a viable business model for launching some success as an author. I have seen several folks making good progress with their launch of books.
The guys over at Niche Pursuits have just recently had some success with their new book on Amazon as well as Steve Scott has been writing a series of books in the “Habits” niche. I think we all have a book in us…it just takes ACTION to actually do the work required and implement the steps to get it out there. You never know til you try right?
Another growing trend this year is the eCommerce space. I have been hearing that sourcing your own products and private label branding them for sale on Amazon and/or eBay has been a growing trend in many of the forums and podcasts I frequent. A good resource for learning more about that is Chris Guthrie.
I did want to share another very useful resource I recently joined…, I listen to their podcast and recently joined their membership site, I found the forums and the recorded lessons very well worth the price.
I am not sure what I think about “Niche Site” building anymore, it seems the world is going to “Authority Site” models, would love to hear from you if you are successful still running a “small” niche business… it would be good to know those are still working.. and how they are being changed with the recent updates from Google. I have been tuning into the Authority Hacker site for information on that model.
Just wanted to share some updated information and provide resources that I have been plugged into in case you didn’t know about those, Would love to hear what you are hearing and listening to!
I am interested in hearing from you –
Have a restful time with family and friends, and get ready to make 2015 your best year yet!
Tried my own niche site, took a bit of an extended break over the holidays. But I like you wonder if it will not have to become more of an authority site. Is there still room for profit in amazon affiliate review niche sites do you think?
Ryan, glad you took a break…me too. Trying to get back into the swing for 2015, lots of ideas, just not much time to implement. Hope you are doing well.